After going through this article you will be able to recognize the symptoms of piles as well as one or all of the mistakes you are making in your life which can be a stepping stone for piles to pop up.
Piles which are also known as hemorrhoids are no more than veins in the rectum area of the body that have become inflamed and swollen.
Piles can be of various sizes and may be internal (inside the anus) or external ones (outside the anus). Typically, internal piles occur from 2 to 4cm above the opening of the anus. External piles (perianal hematoma) occur on the outside edge of the anus. The internal ones are much more common.
Many people who suffer from piles do not make the connection between their condition and their lifestyle.
The chances are great that unless you are pregnant or have inherited your condition you have chosen a lifestyle that not only causes piles but encourages them to reappear again and again.
1. Diet
Many people do not associate their diet with this ugly condition but if your food choice leans towards the fast food variety of pizza, burgers and fries you will more than likely end up with constipation.
Constipation has long been considered one of the leading causes of piles however it is the straining that takes place while trying to have a bowel movement that is the real cause.
If you indulge in a steady diet of fast food it is very likely giving you constipation leading to painful hemorrhoids.
You will have to stop eating those greasy fries if you want your condition to improve.
Eat more vegetables, fruits and whole grains however you should ideally wait until any present attack of constipation is over otherwise you will just have constipation with fiber.
Prunes are a natural laxative and can be used to get rid of your constipation.
Once it is over with start slowly to introduce fiber into your diet.
2. Couch Potato Lifestyle
You need to be honest with yourself here.
If most of your free time is spent as a couch potato watching TV you are going to have to introduce some form of physical exercise into your daily routine but only if you wish to get rid of your piles.
What you can do about them-
Sitting for long stretches of time is also a major cause of painful piles.
You will need to get up and start moving.
If you have not exercised regularly in a long time be sure to check with your doctor before you start.
A 20-30 minute walk per day will go a long way to helping in the healing process of your condition and the prevention of any recurrence.
To strengthen your rectal muscles introduce some glute exercises into your routine.
Lunges and squats will not only get your blood flowing but they will also strengthen your lower body muscles helping to prevent future recurrences.
There are however some exercises to avoid.
Weight lifters are prone to hemorrhoids due to the pressure on the lower part of the body so this exercise should be avoided.
Cycling will also be difficult for you as it will be very uncomfortable sitting on a bicycle seat.
You do not need to become athlete of the year; just some sort of exercise program together with a change in diet will likely improve your condition.
3. Waiting too long before seeking help
It is not unusual for most people to feel too embarrassed to talk about their condition even with their doctor.
And if the piles become thrombosed and start bleeding it is far easier to suffer silently.
So you suffer in silence and hope they go away fast.
Your social life becomes not so social anymore.
There must be a better way to tackle this.
What you can do about them-
Yes it can be embarrassing but you will not find a solution hiding away from the world.
Realize that you are not unique; studies estimate that approximately 70% of the population will experience at least one attack of this painful condition in their life.
If this is your first attack of hemorrhoids go and see your family doctor. If you think that is embarrassing think of how he or she must feel.
Wouldn't you be embarrassed checking out some other person's backside?
So make an appointment with your family doctor to determine if you do indeed have piles and not some other disease.
Once you know for certain you can start looking for some remedies for piles.
In closing take action on the 3 deadly causes of piles and what you can do about them.
Other Causes Of Piles Includes:
Piles which are also known as hemorrhoids are no more than veins in the rectum area of the body that have become inflamed and swollen.
Piles can be of various sizes and may be internal (inside the anus) or external ones (outside the anus). Typically, internal piles occur from 2 to 4cm above the opening of the anus. External piles (perianal hematoma) occur on the outside edge of the anus. The internal ones are much more common.
Many people who suffer from piles do not make the connection between their condition and their lifestyle.
The chances are great that unless you are pregnant or have inherited your condition you have chosen a lifestyle that not only causes piles but encourages them to reappear again and again.
1. Diet
Many people do not associate their diet with this ugly condition but if your food choice leans towards the fast food variety of pizza, burgers and fries you will more than likely end up with constipation.
Constipation has long been considered one of the leading causes of piles however it is the straining that takes place while trying to have a bowel movement that is the real cause.
If you indulge in a steady diet of fast food it is very likely giving you constipation leading to painful hemorrhoids.
You will have to stop eating those greasy fries if you want your condition to improve.
You will be asking - what kind of foods should you eat?
A diet high in fiber will add some weight to your stool and help to soften them which will eliminate the need to strain and make it easier for you to pass during a bowel movement.Eat more vegetables, fruits and whole grains however you should ideally wait until any present attack of constipation is over otherwise you will just have constipation with fiber.
Prunes are a natural laxative and can be used to get rid of your constipation.
Once it is over with start slowly to introduce fiber into your diet.
2. Couch Potato Lifestyle
You need to be honest with yourself here.
If most of your free time is spent as a couch potato watching TV you are going to have to introduce some form of physical exercise into your daily routine but only if you wish to get rid of your piles.
What you can do about them-
Sitting for long stretches of time is also a major cause of painful piles.
You will need to get up and start moving.
If you have not exercised regularly in a long time be sure to check with your doctor before you start.
A 20-30 minute walk per day will go a long way to helping in the healing process of your condition and the prevention of any recurrence.
To strengthen your rectal muscles introduce some glute exercises into your routine.
Lunges and squats will not only get your blood flowing but they will also strengthen your lower body muscles helping to prevent future recurrences.
There are however some exercises to avoid.
Weight lifters are prone to hemorrhoids due to the pressure on the lower part of the body so this exercise should be avoided.
Cycling will also be difficult for you as it will be very uncomfortable sitting on a bicycle seat.
You do not need to become athlete of the year; just some sort of exercise program together with a change in diet will likely improve your condition.
3. Waiting too long before seeking help
It is not unusual for most people to feel too embarrassed to talk about their condition even with their doctor.
And if the piles become thrombosed and start bleeding it is far easier to suffer silently.
So you suffer in silence and hope they go away fast.
Your social life becomes not so social anymore.
There must be a better way to tackle this.
What you can do about them-
Yes it can be embarrassing but you will not find a solution hiding away from the world.
Realize that you are not unique; studies estimate that approximately 70% of the population will experience at least one attack of this painful condition in their life.
If this is your first attack of hemorrhoids go and see your family doctor. If you think that is embarrassing think of how he or she must feel.
Wouldn't you be embarrassed checking out some other person's backside?
So make an appointment with your family doctor to determine if you do indeed have piles and not some other disease.
Once you know for certain you can start looking for some remedies for piles.
In closing take action on the 3 deadly causes of piles and what you can do about them.
Other Causes Of Piles Includes:
- Anal intercourse
- Chronic constipation
- Chronic diarrhea
- Lifting heavy weights regularly
- Obesity/overweight
- Pregnancy
- Sitting on the toilet for too long
- Straining when passing a stool
- Some of the cases of piles can still be inherited.
- A hard lump may be felt around the anus. It consists of coagulated blood, called a thrombosed external hemorrhoid. This can be extremely painful
- After going to the toilet, a feeling that the bowels are still full
- Bright red blood when doing a bowel movement
- Itchiness in the anus area
- Mucus discharge when emptying the bowels
- Pain while defecating
- The anus area may be red and sore
- When passing a stool the person may strain excessively
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