Android has certainly taken over all other Smartphones platform like iOS, Windows etc. Being much open platform than any other Android Development has become much popular. There are many Android ROM developers majorly for top Android smartphones found on XDA Developers. But Karbonn being an Indian company has always been into the lime light of Development grabbing least attention. I started this blog to help all those Karbonn users with the help of few people. On the Ocassion of completing 1.5million page views,3000 comments & 100 Posts i'm writing this post to show case all the ROMS from the beginning. All the ROMS available for Karbonn phones on this blog are listed below. Hope it saves your precious time. Keep supporting this Android development. Hire android developer ,Android App developer & Android lollipop.
1. Karbonn A1:
2. Karbonn A1+:
3. Karbonn A2+: (4.2.2)
4. Karbonn A5/A7/A7+:
5. Karbonn A9+:
6. Karbonn A12+:
7. Karbonn A15:
8. Karbonn A18:
9. Karbonn A21:
10. Karbonn A25:
- [4.4.3] Kitkat UI Custom ROM for Karbonn A25.
- Samsung Galaxy Note 3 ROM for Karbonn A25.
- MIUI V5 Custom ROM for Karbonn A25.
- Samsung Galaxy S4 Custom ROM for Karbonn A25.
- iPhone iOS6 Custom ROM for Karbonn A25.
- Android L(Lollipop) Custom ROM for Karbonn A25.
11. Karbonn A26 :
- Sony Xperia Z2 Custom ROM for Karbonn A26.
- iPhone iOS Custom ROM for Karbonn A26.
- Android Lollipop Custom ROM for Karbonn A26
- Samsung Galaxy S5 Custom ROM for Karbonn A26.
- CyanogenMOD 11 Themed ROM for Karbonn A26.
12. Karbonn A27+:
- LewaOS for Karbonn A27+
- Galaxy Note III ROM for Karbonn A27+
- Galaxy S4 ROM for Karbonn A27+
- Stock ROM Developer Edition of Karbonn A27+
- Kitkat+Xperia+MIUI+Samsung Combo ROM for A27+
- CruzerMOD ROM for Karbonn A27+
- Baidu V5 Custom ROM for Karbonn A27+
- Xperia Z1-Z2 ROM for Karbonn A27+
- XR650 Gaming ROM for Karbonn A27+
- iPhone iOS7 Custom ROM for Karbonn A27+
- Sony Xperia Z4 ROM for Karbonn A27+ (Under Development)
- MIUI V5 ROM for Karbonn A27+
- JMP ROM for Karbonn A27+ | Best Performance.
- Galaxy S5 ROM for Karbonn A27+
- Android Lollipop (L) ROM for Karbonn A27+
- AOSP Stock update of Karbonn A27+ (Jellybean 4.2.2)
13. Karbonn A30:
- Karbonn A30 | Jellybean 4.2.2 update.
- MIUI V5 ROM for Karbonn A30
- Samsung Galaxy S5 ROM for Karbonn A30.
- Sony Xperia Z1 Custom ROM for Karbonn A30.
14. Karbonn A50s:
- Android Lollipop(L) Custom ROM for Karbonn A50s.
- More to come.
15. Karbonn A51:
16. Karbonn Titanium S1:
- LewaOS for Karbonn Titanium S1
- MIUI V5 ROM for Karbonn Titanium S1.
- [4.4.4] Karbonn Titanium S1 Original Kitkat ROM.
17. Karbonn Titanium S5:
- Nemesis One Custom ROM for Karbonn Titanium S5
- Karbonn Titanium S5 Kitkat Flavoured ROM.
- MIUI V5 ROM for Karbonn Titanium S5
- CyanogenMOD 10.1 ROM for Karbonn Titanium S5
- CyanogenMOD 11 based Kitkat Mokee ROM for Titanium S5.
- Galaxy S5 ROM for Karbonn Titanium S5.
- LewaOS V5.3 Custom ROM for Titanium S5
- Android L ROM for Karbonn Titanium S5.
18. Karbonn Titanium S5Plus/S5+:
- Sony Xperia Z2 ROM for Karbonn Titanium S5+
- LewaOS ROM for Karbonn Titanium S5+
- MIUI V5 Custom ROM for Karbonn Titanium S5+
- Samsung Galaxy Note 3 ROM for Karbonn Titanium S5+
- CWM Flashable Stock ROM for Karbonn Titanium S5+
- Android Lollipop (L) V1 ROM for Titanium S5+
- Samsung Galaxy Note IV ROM for Titanium S5+
- MIUI V6 ROM for Karbonn Titanium S5+
- Android Lollipop (L) V2 ROM for Karbonn Titanium S5+
19. Karbonn Titanium S9:
- MIUI V5 ROM for Karbonn Titanium S9
- Sony Xperia Z1 ROM for Karbonn Titanium S9
- Baidu OS V5 ROM for Titanium S9
- Sony Xperia Z2 ROM for Karbonn Titanium S9
- Samsung Galaxy Note 3 ROM for Titanium S9
- [5.0] Android Lollipop (L) ROM for Titanium S9.
Extras :
1. Lava IRIS N454:
- Lava N454 Android 4.2.2 Stock update.
- Galaxy S4 ROM for Lava IRIS N454.
- iPhone iOS7 ROM for Lava IRIS N454.
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