Jide oooooo!
Goodmorning...:(, peeps are complaining that it's hard to comment on the blog cos it's showing them a pop up box asking them to confirm if they are robots or not.
Please how do i get it off :(
Hello Jide, some readers are complaining when they want to drop comments as anonymous, it tells them to prove they are not robots. I've gone to comment settings and it's been on No for word verification. I refreshed it and the people still say it's still showing the same thing. But one said when she is logged on to Gmail on her phone, she can comment with anonymous, but as soon as she signs off, she has to do the word verification.
Well, if you're also experiencing same, don't bother yourself googling how to make the word verification go away. This is because it seems to be a new way Blogger is fighting comment spam.
Looking closely at The word-verification option page at Blogger Help, you will notice where Blogger states that even if you don't have word verification turned on, anonymous commenters might be asked to enter some text before they can leave comments on your blog.
So, it's obvious that it's a new way Blogger is protecting Blogspot blogs from abuse.
If you own a Blogspot blog, you can edit the "Comment Form Message" via "Settings" > "Posts and Comments" to inform your readers to sign in if they want to comment anonymously without having to enter the verification code.
If you are not satisfied with this new feature at all, you can move to wordpress where you can tweak your blog commenting system as desire. :)
How Can I Avoid Solving Capthca Before I Comment Anonymously On Blogger Blogs?
If you always love commenting anonymously on Blogspot blogs and you don't want to be entering th verification text everytime you want to post a comment, follow the steps below:
==> Type your comment and select "Google account'
==> Click "Publish".
You will be redirected to a page where you can sign in
==> Sign in with your Google account credentials
The blog post page will reload.
==> Select "Anonymous" from the "comment as" drop-down box.
==> Re-Enter your comment and Click "Publish".
Thereafter, you can post anonymously on any Blogger blog without having to enter the verification code, in as much as you remained signed in to your Google account.
That's all.
What's your take on this?
nice, thanks for sharing