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Wednesday, 31 December 2014

12 Health Articles That Went Viral On Cliniconomy During 2014


2014 has ended, gone and will be forever be forgotten. We cannot come across it any longer in the history of planet earth. To many blogs it was a year to really remember throughout its existence in which this blog, Cliniconomy is not an exception. Cliniconomy started out late April 2014, owned by Jay Henry. During its 8 months existence it has struggled to be at its present position, with 278 health articles which have brought Google to crawl the the site on daily basis and our alexa ranking so encouraging, i have a strong belief that by the end of 2015 it will be the best health, beauty and body fitness blog ever in the blogosphere.

I will say, it has being a very long and though year blogging, filled with hard-work, sleepless nights, hours of gazing into the computer screen and days of deprived pleasure. I will not fail to thank you all, my blog readers, my email suscribers and my fellow blogger friends, Lilian Nwobu, Kinsely felix on healhable and so many others for their friendship and endless support whenever i am lost in this web space called the cliniconomy. Your love and care was one of the reasons why Cliniconomy is still existing on the Internet.


I will not fail to acknowledge, Jon Morrow, whom his long and periodic articles on Boostblogtraffic has helped me a lot when i need to learn how the Internet and the blogosphere works. Also, i acknowledge Jide, who blogs at  Ogbongeblog and Doncaprio, this are the fathers in the blogosphere here in my country, i have always ran to their blogs for help on how to manipulate certain things here in cliniconomy.  A very big thank you to you all, and as 2015 unfolds, we will all continue to reap the fruits of our labor.

Here is a selected list of 12 health articles that went viral on cliniconomy during 2014, you would like to take a look at them, share them to your friends on the social media or even bookmark it for future reference. Remember you are free to ask me any question regarding any of the articles and i will be glad to answer you.


Sperm cells can be very fragile, learn those factors that make sperm cells uncomfortable and eventually kills them


This health article targets the ladies wouldn't just see their periods at the expected range of time and the first thing that comes to their mind is "i am pregnant". What if you are not pregnant? Look into that link see the 5 reasons why your period is being delayed.


Most guys find it hard to keep at it and satisfy their partner. Inside that link is a product on review that helps you last longer in bed.


This is a counter article to number 1 above. Some women are not just born barren. See the factors that can cause infertility in women, it can really help you snap out from your female fertility harmful lifestyle. If you are not looking up to get pregnant in life, then you can jump to another con


Sometimes, certain things usually happens to us and we don't even bother to know why things are like that. Have you ever though, why do human being itch????????? Now you must be thinking about that. Thank God, i've written it down in that link.

Make home made apple Cider vinegar hair rinse. Your hair can really take up a very good state if you should consider and  give it a shot.


So many people like things that are being  done so easily, no stress or disturbance, this 6 free smart phone apps will give you the most easiest body fitness you can ever imagine.


How does high altitude affects your body system? The link to this health article above explains it all.


The eye disorder, Glaucoma is a silent sight killer and checkmating it at all cost is all a patients can do to  help his sight. I wrote it all down inside the article.


Yet another good article of the year, talking about the eye, this time around, computer vision syndrome. Check it out


Just a question, me too i really need answers to the question. Why not check out the link to see if you can help clear my curiousity.


Finally, First aid treatment for Gunshot injuries. I dont know why somebody shouldnt read this article. After all, it is a first aid treatment, who knows.......?


That is just the few selected health articles that went viral on cliniconomy. Again, To my blog readers, thank you for your presence. This blog wouldn't have being in existence for 8 good months if not for people like you. For your presence i am preparing a special freebie which is still under construction and i have decided to keep its identity away from you guys until it is ready. Please hang around by subscribing to our newsletter:

We will not publish your email, sell it or make it available for any other company. We will keep your emails secret and confidential and use it for the purpose so thereof stated.

new year

Happy New Year!

Custom Permalink Feature in Blogger. How Do I Use it?

When you write a blog post, Blogger automatically generates a permalink (a URL that links to a blog post) from the title of the post. if you prefer to customize the link, you can do so with the custom permalink feature in Blogger. It was one of the suite of SEO features integrated into Blogger in 2012 to enable users effectively customize their search preferences.

I use it alot every-time I compose my posts. It makes it possible for me to generate URLs that provide readers with more information about my posts when scanning search engines results. Atimes, when you fail to use it, Blogger might end up auto-generating a URL that might not really make sense for your blog post.

How To Use Blogger Custom Permalink

To create your own URL for a specific post, go to the Compose page and enter a title for your blog post.

Click on "Links" in the Post Settings box.

Allow Blogger to auto-calculate the permalink. Once completed, click on the 'Custom Permalink" option.

You should see the editable permalink generated by Blogger

Edit it as desired. You can also delete all and retype whatever you want there.

Click DONE.

That's all.


==> Separate each word with -

==> Avoid words like "of", "the", "is", "from" etc

==> The shorter, the better.

==> Each blog post must have a unique permalink.

==> You can't edit permalink of an existing post. It's only for new posts. 

I hope this helps.

Monday, 29 December 2014

Get Android L, Xperia, IOS, Kitkat Status-bar & Navigation Bar on any Android.

  .          I have seen people searching for 'How to get Android L or Sony Xperia Status bar or Navigation bar?' First let me get this clear, customizing your Smartphone's system files requires Root Access. Today, i'm here with a trick to customize your Status bar & navigation bar with a single click. Get any Android phone's looks like Xperia, Nexus, Samsung even Apple IOS. I think this might be the simplest way to do this for the people who don't want to end up bricking your phone. I personally use this on my phone as its Simple, clean & easy to apply. Generally if you search for status bar customization people suggest Edit your systemui.apk, framework.apk & bla bla. What if i don't have any any technical knowledge & you want to do this without any trouble. I found this trick which is not mentioned any where on the internet as many of the people are not much aware about any such app. So, lets begin with customization ! Get Auto, mobile, car insurance easily.

           First of all you need to root your Smartphone which will void your warranty, so think before proceeding with this customization process. You can root your smartphone with any suitable method for your device mentioned on web. Also, checkout some steps given :  Get Auto, mobile, car insurance easily.
            Now, once you have rooted your phone check for root access using any Root checker app available on Google Play Store. So, you have proper root access download the below App named as Xposed Installer : Click here to Download. After downloading install this App in your phone through normal procedure of installing a App. After Installing Open Xposed App & Grant Root Access. Click on framework, click on Install/Update & Reboot your phone.  Get Auto, mobile, car insurance easily.

After Reboot download this App & Install : Click here to Download. After installing this App follow below steps :  Get Auto, mobile, car insurance easily.

1. This is my phone's screenshot before installing all this App i.e without any customization. If you don't believe its mine you can see my name on Whatsapp+'s widget. It's running on Android ICS 4.0.4. It's Nova launcher as you can see i have not customized anything & running stock ROM. The Status bar is of Stock Android & i don't have navigation bar (I have Hadware buttons).  Get Auto, mobile, car insurance easily.

2. After you have installed Xposed App, launch the app & Goto Module Option available on the main screen op App. You will see a screen some what similar to this without the Greenify & Tinted Statusbar. Just check the box in front of Xstana module as you can see in the image given. After this reboot your phone. Get Auto, mobile, car insurance easily.

3. After enabling the App as in Step 2. Open Xstana App that you have installed before. You would see a screen some what similar to this without the Arrows. I have made things clear in the image that the first option is for Selecting Status bar & second is for navigation bar. The navigation bar option works only if you have Navigation bar on screen as in Nexus, sony, LG, Titanium S5+ etc. This is the free version of App but it has enough option for us. The second image is of the Status bar option as you can see the Options it has so many Status bar themes which you can apply on your phone in just single click. 

4. After Selecting the desired theme of Status bar(1) & Navigation bar(2) from the options given click on the Correct button denoted by Number 3 in the image. Now reboot your phone & you are done.  Get Auto, mobile, car insurance easily.

Android L & Xperia Theme After Applying : 

Final words : 
       I Hope this method worked for your phone. Finally there is a working method for customizing your phone's Status bar & navigation bar in single. Please share this post so that your friends can use this method to customize their phone to a complete new look. If you find any difficulty in any step you can ask me below. Any feedback or suggestions are welcome in comment section. Have a good day !  Get Auto, mobile, car insurance easily.

Photos from 2014 Nigeria Digital Marketing Summit

Few months back, I shared with you here on this blog, FREE invitation to attend the 2014 Nigeria Digital Marketing Summit which took place at the University of Lagos main auditorium Akoka Lagos, Nigeria on the 1st of October, 2014.  The event was successful and the attendance was quite impressive.

The summit attracted some of the best brains in Digital Marketing industry in Nigeria. Many Nigerian entrepreneurs and professionals were there to share secrets behind building, managing and growing successful online media platforms.

I was one of the panelists for the "Digital Marketing for Bloggers" session. It was fun answering blogging-related questions from the audience, even though I couldn't answer all due to the limited time allocated to me. I felt so honoured to be invited by the convener, Olatunde Samson and hope to attend such fantastic events in 2015 and beyond.

Even though I couldn't wait for post-event photoshoot because I had to rush to the BloggersLab getTogether that was taking place simultaneously, I was able to get some few pictures to share with you. Below are some photos for you:

Samson OLATUNDE- Convener NDMSummit

Dayo ISRAEL- Founder GLEED Foundation

CFA- Founder ICT with CFA :

Denni ISONG : Founde

Jide Ogunsanya at 2014 Nigeria Digital Marketing Summit
My session in progress..

While answering questions...

still me... :)

 Won't you love to be part of this next year?

Photos from BloggersLab 2014 GetTogether in Lagos

The 2014 BloggersLab Get-Together took place on October 1st somewhere in Yaba Lagos. That same day, I was at UNILAG for the 2014 Nigeria Digital Marketing Summit where I answered blogging-related questions from the attendees.

On completion of my session at UNILAG, I rushed down to the BloggersLab event. Luckily for me, I met the last lecture during which Donvin was sharing the secrets of using Facebook ads to skyrocket Adsense earnings. It was interesting learning new tricks from him and was fun meeting some Bloggers one on one for the first time. 

Below are some of the photos from the event:

Adetunji Lekksite: and Olumuyiwa Delurge:

Ismail Olubuade: and Ibekwe Mark : At the back is Donvin : 

Kelvin Nneyi :

CEO Futuresoft


Olawale Daniel:

Adesanya Abiodun;  a FiverrPro

Hammed, Fabinu Ibidapo: Nigeriauniversit­ and Ismail Olubuade

Thumbs up to Helen of for the photos. You can always contact her for your events.

We hope to organize more of this across Nigeria in 2015 by God's grace.

If you don't want to miss BloggersLab events, join BloggersLab now.

Have fun!

Sunday, 28 December 2014

Glaucoma Patients May Be Risking Their Eye Sights For These Activities



Glaucoma is an eye disorder that affects the optic nerve. It is congenital and sufferers may not have any visible symptom in the long run and may not be noticed until later in life.

It is mainly associated with the build-up of increased pressure in the eye called, intra-ocular pressure. The pressure builds up when the liquid in the eye doesn't drain properly. The eye was designed in such a way that it contains a lot of water. A clear liquid could be seen in front of the eyes, the liquid constantly circulates throughout the eyes, making the components of the eye work properly, help the eye retain its shape and delivering nutrients to the different, tiny components that make up the eye.

When the liquid is due for change, the liquid is supposed to be drained into the bloodstream through a small sieve-like drainage tube structure called the trabecular meshwork. It is then transported away from the eye compartment; giving way for a new, fresh one to take over. But the different between a glaucoma sufferer and a normal glaucoma free individual is that the liquid finds it hard to leave the eyes causing the accumulation of the liquid the eyes. With time the build-up of the liquid gets to an extent where the pressure it imposes on the eye affects the optic nerve and if not checkmated, the optic nerve dies off leading to loss of sight.

Here is something to worry about: During glaucoma, the eye is just normal, with no significant change to say. Most individuals suffering from glaucoma will go on with clear eye sight, some with the sight stronger than the non-glaucoma sufferers. The problem there is, when symptoms starts showing up, the optic nerve has being fully or partially damaged.

Glaucoma is a silent killer of the eye which can be made worst and fastened when the sufferer engage in some activities that will trigger the increase of pressure in the eye and facilitates the destruction of the optic nerve. Any activity that gives room for the increase in the pressure of the eye affects and is very harmful to a glaucoma patients.

Glaucoma sufferers who happen to be weight lifters, play musical instruments like trumpets and other instruments that require blowing and the control of breath. According to a research in the journal Optometry and Vision science in 2008 which states that blowing and breathe control to a glaucoma patient is a risk factor because straining while holding your breath constricts blood vessel in the chest, neck and head and all this raises the pressure in the eye.

To stay on a safer side, glaucoma patients should go for eye check-up very often and the optometrist will prescribe a daily dosage of eye drop which will improve drainage and reduce the amount of fluid produced. Or more especially, a surgery will help to open up drainage holes.


Glaucoma patients and individuals with the history of glaucoma running through their blood should endeavor to visit an Optician regularly, at least 2-3 times in a year.

Do you have idea, opinion to chip in? sure you will. Drop it down in the comment box below.

Disavow Backlinks Google Webmaster Tool

Earlier today, I decided to ask Google not to take certain back links into account when assessing my blog. Unfortunately, I couldn't navigate to the Disavow Backlinks Google Webmaster Tool from my Webmaster's account. It was after I googled it, that I saw the link to the tool. I've successful used it to disavow 59 domains and I hope this will have positive impact on my blog ranking in the long run.

The tool simply allows you to upload a text file containing list of links that you think are spammy, artificial, or of low-quality and should not be considered when Google is rating the quality of your site.

Let's say you want to disavow all links from, all you need to do is to create a text file with Notepad and enter the domain you want to disavow using the format below:


If you want to disavow multiple links, then you add them one per line.

If you only want to disavow a URL from a site instead of all links from the domain, use:

If you’ve built bad links to your site via paid backlinks services or other link schemes that violate Google quality guidelines, I recommend you use this tool.

Be careful though because it is an advanced feature and should only be used with caution. If used incorrectly, it can potentially harm your site’s performance in Google’s search results. Use it only if you are confident that the links are causing issues for you.

How To Use Disavow Tool

==> Sign in to your Google account

==> Go to :

webmasters disavow tool

==> Select your site from the drop-down box

==> Click "Disavow links" button.

You will be redirected to a page where you will upload the text file.

Click "Choose File'. Upload and Click "Submit".

That's all.

Google will mail you once the submission is updated.

NOTE: It may take some time for Google to process the information you’ve uploaded. The links will continue to be shown in the Webmaster Tools inbound links section.

How Do I View Backlinks to My Blog?

==> Sign in to Google Webmasters

==> On the Dashboard, click Search Traffic, and then click Links to Your Site

==> Under Who links the most, click More.

You can download the links via the tabs on the page or browse through the top 1000 backlinks.

Do you use the disavow tool?

Friday, 26 December 2014

Manage Your Jetpack Sites from a Single Dashboard on

With the release of Jetpack 3.3 this earlier this month, the automattic team has announced the launch of new dashboard from which you can manage all your WordPress sites — both your and your Jetpack-connected sites, regardless of where they’re hosted.

With the new centralized Site Management feature, you can update plugins, set plugins to automatically update, and activate or deactivate plugins on a per-site basis or in bulk. You can also make a new post to any of your blogs from a single page without having to login and post from each site individually. Also, this new interface was designed and built to provide a great user experience whether you’re on your computer, tablet, or mobile device.

To enable these new features make sure you are running Jetpack 3.3 or above. If you’ve used Jetpack before, there will be an opt-in banner on your WordPress dashboard.

Once you opted into the site management features, ensure the JSON API feature is activated via Jetpack settings and the Allow remote actions setting is checked.

If you’re new to using Jetpack plugin for WordPress, you will automatically be opted-in when you activate and connect Jetpack to your account.

After you might have enabled site management for your Jetpack site, you can update and manage your plugins, see your site’s stats, and even post to your Jetpack site all from one page.

Visit your My Sites page at: (while logged into your user account) to see all of your and Jetpack connected sites.

You can read more on how to manage your Jetpack sites and plugins from here.

Are you using the WordPress site management feature? If Yes, kindly share your experience.

Monday, 22 December 2014

CWM Flashable Stock ROM for Karbonn Titanium S5+ (Plus) & Coolpad 7295C

           All other Stock ROMS for Karbonn Smartphones are available in common .img forms which can be flashed by using SP Flash tool. But the Stock ROM is Karbonn Titanium S5+ also re-branded as Coolpad 7295C has Factory firmware in .cbd format which requires YGDP Tool which is too tricky & not an easy software to play with. This is also CWM Flashable Stock ROM For Coolpad 7295C. This ROM is same as Stock firmware without any modification. So, if you want to roll back to Stock ROM its just too simple. As installing zip from CWM is risk free & easy. Some reason reported that YGDP Hangs in between, so you can use this method. Auto Insurance

ROM Download : Auto Insurance Auto Insurance
How to Install : Auto InsuranceAuto Insurance
  1. Download Zip file from above given any one link.
  2. Place the zip file in SDcard, Now switch off your phone.Auto Insurance
  3. Goto ClockworkMOD recovery.Auto Insurance
  4. Goto Backup & Restore > Backup.Auto Insurance
  5. Goto Advanced > Clear Dalvik cache.Auto Insurance
  6. Goto  Mount & Storage > System format.
  7. Click on Install zip from SDcard > Locate the zip file.
  8. That's all ! You have rolled back to your factory firmware.
           Hope you have installed Factory firmware in your Karbonn Titanium S5+ & Coolpad 7295C. Please leave your feedback if you found this post helpful. Please like & Share this post. Hope to see you again. Have a good day ! Auto Insurance

Saturday, 20 December 2014

How to Build High Quality Backlinks

One of the secrets to creating more web traffic with your posts is to build in some backlinks. To build high quality backlinks is one of the most popular methods to boost your content over the competition. However, finding the right methods to build the backlinks is going to take a little effort.

Everything starts with understanding what a backlink is and what it will do for your content. From there, you can then extend your efforts to build even more backlinks using creative and effective means that maximizes the potential of your content.


What is a Backlink?

A backlink is an incoming hyperlink that connects the web page or content to another website. Backlinks are very important when it comes to page ranking as Google rates them highly. However, the backlinks themselves must be of good quality in order to generate the rankings needed to boost your content ahead of the competition.

Quality of the backlinks is important because having 10 good ones will beat 200 bad ones in terms of Google rankings. So, you must strive for quality each and every time. However, it will take time to build up backlinks to your articles because people will have to see it and then decide to link to it in order to add more value to their site.

If you look at adding good backlinks as a long term strategy, you will eventually reap the rewards that they offer. What follows are some interesting ways to start building good quality backlinks so that you can start your success today a little bit at a time.

Create Long, Interesting Posts

One of the easiest ways to start creating good backlinks is by writing a good, long tutorial post that uses images, charts and other graphics to really make it interesting. It will need to be from 1000 to 1200 words long and not have any filler, so the information really needs to be good and tight to make it interesting.

How-To guides often make the best long posts, especially if you can really hit the details so that people will fully understand how to do what you are explaining to them.

Participate in Forums

A person who is active in the forums when it comes to the subject that you are writing is building a network of potential fans who might offer high quality backlinks to their work. This is a delicate matter as you don't want to come across as someone only interested in what they can do for you. This will mean offering quality backlinks to those who participate in the forum as well if you find their articles useful and informative.

Write e-Books

An e-Book is one of the best ways to help spread the word about your talents and you can ask your friends to share it with the world through social media as well. You can also send your links to the best in social bookmarking sites as well to help augment your efforts.

With e-Books, you don't have to write very many, but it does help if you create ones that are very useful, highly readable and can be shared so that you can build high quality backlinks.

Create Special Days

One of the more interesting ways to build high quality backlinks is creating special days like St. Patrick's Day, Halloween or Valentine's Day to offer discounts on your products or services. You can actually build up to the day as well with special writing and content features to help pull in more traffic.

Remember, you'll need to do some research on your audience to see what type of holidays and content works best for their interest, but Valentine's Day is one that everyone shares, so that is an easy one to write good content, or run a contest that is bound to get good, high quality backlinks.

Have Free Products

Everyone likes free products and this can help you boost the number of visitors to your website. You can have a free e-Book or even a promotional gift if you want. While it may take some investment, the result will be getting more web traffic which in turn creates more demand for your products or services.


YouTube may very well be the biggest marketing tool of the moment with no signs of slowing down. If you can create a funny, interesting video then you will start getting some great backlinks. Today, the technology to create a solid, professional-looking video is dirt cheap compared to just a decade ago.

You can create "how-to" videos or find something interesting to make a video about as long as it relates to the industry in which your business is in. The key is to do something fun and enjoyable for your audience so that they will start sharing it with their friends.

Interact with Other Blogs

When you read a blog or see a video you like that is within your industry, don't just say "good job" and leave it at that. Write a good, interesting comment or review so that you can really share your thoughts. Remember to be positive, articulate and get right to the point. If you can write your thoughts in an entertaining, audience-pleasing way, you can start building up an audience for your comments and reviews.

Do Guest Blogging

Want to make a great impression? Find a good place to guest blog and write until you get that post to go viral. This will not only attract you an audience, but by helping out someone else you will build high quality backlinks as well.

It will take time, effort and the ability to write well. But if you can pull it off, your stint as a guest blogger will pay off big time for your efforts. The key is to write something that attracts people's attention and provides you with a place to write again for the blogger.

Guest blogging can be very rewarding in more ways than one, so if you have the time to do it right, then you should market your services as a guest blogger.

These are just some of the methods you can use to build high quality backlinks and start building up your web traffic.

What to Do Before Applying for Google AdSense

It seems that everyone wants to make money by joining up with Google AdSense and why not? Google AdSense is a relatively simple, straightforward way to actually start earning some extra money with your efforts.

However, things have changed from the early days of AdSense when joining was not much of an issue. Today, applying for AdSense takes more effort and some preparation so that you can take full advantage of their services.

First, you will need a good reason to apply for AdSense so you can reap the benefits that they offer. Here you will find out more about what Google AdSense is all about, what they offer and how you can properly prepare yourself before joining to really take advantage.

What is Google AdSense?

One of the most established internet networks to offer advertisement publishing, AdSense uses the Pay Per Click (PPC) system to help businesses reach out to others on the web. At one time, Google used to provide AdSense to everyone who used their Blogspot program, but now that has changed. 

Today, AdSense is one of the most respected thanks to the many thousands of satisfied publishers and customers who use the service. It is straightforward, easy to use and always pays on time which makes it very attractive to anyone wanting to have this service. If you do your work the right way, it will pay better than any other similar service on the web.

However, it is their very success that now makes them harder to join. When you apply, everything has to be just right otherwise you will not be approved.

How to Avoid Getting Your Application Rejected

There are a number of things to avoid when applying for AdSense so that your entry will not be discarded. Here are just a few.

Read Google Policies: Just like studying for a test, Google posts their policies about what it takes for your site to get into AdSense. So, take the time to read them and be sure that your website follows the rules.

Have Good Content: If your website doesn't have good or sufficient content, it will not be accepted. So, be sure that you provide them with enough to review. In addition, it has to be neat, professional and grammatically correct otherwise it will give them the excuse to toss out your application.

Aesthetically Pleasing: Garish yellows and lots of distracting glitz will also stop you in your tracks when you apply for AdSense. Your website should have a good, solid design that is comfortable to look at and pleasing for the visitor.

Post Your Contact Information: If Google cannot find a way to contact you through your website, you might as well not apply. Having an "About Us" page that is complete with contact info is the minimum to getting accepted.

Now that you've done the basics, it is time to hedge your bets when it comes to applying for AdSense by adding in items and procedures that will enhance your chances. While nothing is guaranteed, the following steps will help your website in getting approved.

10 Ways to Increase Your Chances when Applying for AdSense

1. Policy for Privacy

It may seem odd to have a privacy policy for your blog, but it is vital if you want to get AdSense approval. Without it, you might as well not apply at all. The policy itself should describe to those who visit your blog what they will see and what they can and cannot do.

2. Contact Information

This is where you put in your contact information. At the very least, it should consist of an email so that readers can contact you directly about any issue they have on your blog.

3. About Us

This is where you tell people a little about who you are, what your business does and how you are going to accomplish it. This is sort of like an introductory page to your efforts and it critical when you apply for Adsense.

4. Email & Name Verification

Be sure that you put your email as well as your name in your About Me or Contact Us page so that it will help Google verify you quickly.

5. Verify Age

Always use your correct name and date of birth when applying for AdSense. This is mostly for those who are under 18, but it is important to be truthful otherwise you'll never get approved.

6. Appropriate Design

Your blog should look attractive, professional and easy to use. You don't have to be fancy or pour in thousands of dollars, just make it clean and neat will be sufficient.

7. Have Plenty of Posts

Do you know that there is no minimum number of posts stated by Google in terms of what is required for joining AdSense? Even so, if you only have a handful, do not count on getting approved. You should shoot for about 500 or so before applying to demonstrate your seriousness about your efforts and make sure that they are at least 500 words in length.

8. Remember the Rules

No pornography, illegal items, advocating drug use or other items that will not get you any AdSense at all. Plus, if your posts are all less than 200 words, that will not work either.

9. Adds Value

Your blog or website must provide real value for your audience. This will not only help keep people visiting your site, but it will also impress Google as well.

10. Unique, Top Level Domain

Basically, this means that your domain should be a ".com" in order to succeed. Plus, the name itself needs to be short as possible, related to your area of interest and easy to remember.

When applying for AdSense, you will need to keep all of these things in mind so that you will be accepted. However, all of the attributes that Google AdSense requires are also ones that will boost your website as well. So, keep this in mind when you apply for AdSense because the result will be a blog that will start earning you another income stream that can build over time.

Friday, 19 December 2014

Adsense Product Recap 2014

As the year comes to an end, the Adsense team decided to take the time to recap the new AdSense products and features that were released this year via a newsletter. If you didn't receive the mail, below is the 2014 Adsense product recap:

Multi-screen additions:

  •  Responsive ad units
     Responsive ad units can help you provide a great ad experience for users on every screen (i.e.computers, phones, tablets). To make your code simpler and save you time and effort, the responsive ad code automatically adapts the ad unit size to your page layout.

  •  Multi-screen scorecard
     Check the new multi-screen category in your publisher scorecard to see what percentage of your pages are multi-screen optimized, and review how this compares to other AdSense publishers.

  • Tools for building multi-screen sites
     New to multi-screen? The AdSense Multi-Screen guidelines can help you get started on or improve your mobile site. For more technical resources on developing a mobile website, visit the Web Fundamentals course and the Web Starter Kit.

google adsense

Ad unit updates:

  •  Custom size ad units
     Creating custom ad unit sizes for your website will give you the flexibility to design your ads and your site to fit your audience. Adsense now have 434,216 new ad unit options which behave just like their standard sized counterparts.

  •  New ad sizes
     Increase the flexibility of your ad units with the the new Billboard (970 x 250) and Portrait (300 x 1050) ad unit sizes. Visit the blog to learn how these sizes can help you reach more advertisers while also enhancing user experience and engagement on your site.

New features in your AdSense account:

  •  New features in the Ad Review Center
     Discover how filtering reviewed ads, searching by ad sizes, and finding related ads can give you more control. Visit the Inside AdSense blog to learn more about these new Ad review center features.

  •  A/B testing for categories in the AdSense interface
     Interested in testing how blocking certain ad categories changes your site's revenue? Now you can run A/B tests without changing your ad code to better understand how to use ad category settings to your advantage.

Toolbar and plugin updates:

  • View Google Analytics data in the Google Publisher Toolbar
     You can now view visitor data from Google Analytics in the Google Publisher Toolbar. Learn how to install the Google Publisher Toolbar and use Google Analytics insights while you browse your pages.

  •  AdSense Plugin for Wordpress
     Using Google products within WordPress just got easier. Link your Wordpress site to your AdSense account, easily place ads, and check your page visibility with the Google Publisher Plugin.

Which of the product releases above have helped you to continue to make the most of your website?

How To Format Phone Numbers In Excel

Earlier today, I decided to send a bulk sms to over 5000 phone numbers at NairaForSMS. The numbers were in an excel file but not in the format supported by the bulk sms site. After copying the numbers from the excel sheet to a notepad, the numbers were displayed in the form of 2.34704E+12 instead of 2347000000000.

Without using any file conversion software, I was able to format the phone numbers in excel without decimals i.e I was able to make the numbers display as phone numbers.

If you've got some phone numbers you would like to format in similar way, just follow me through the steps below:

==> Select range of cells containing the phone numbers

==> Right Click on the selection

==> Click format cells option

==> Click the "Numbers" tab

==> Click "Custom" in the category list

==> Click "O" as the type as seen in the screenshot below:

excel format numbers

==> Click OK.

The numbers in the selected range of cells should now display the phone numbers completely.

RecommendedHow To Add First Zero to Nigerian Phone Numbers At Once With Excel

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Salt: 13 Reasons To Choose An Unrefined Salt Over A Refined Salt

unrefined salt

Our bodies cannot do without salt. Inadequate salt in our body can be as dangerous as not having enough blood flowing through our blood vessels. Our bodies are full of salt. In a normal healthy body, salt can be found in our blood, tears, sweat and even the urine. It is so important that even the fetus in the womb is suspended inside a salt solution called amniotic fluid for the first nine months of your life.

If salt is as important as stated above, then what type of salt should we be eating? Basically, we have two types of salt, the refined and unrefined salt. The salt that is still in its natural state, derived either by evaporating sea water from shallow man-made ponds or from rock salts mined from ancient dried sea beds deep underground.

Refined salt on the other hand is that which has being mechanically harvested from various salt mines as Brine (a concentrated solution of salt and water), processed, evaporated and sold.

Back to the question, since salt has a lot of scenes to play in our life, to ensure optimum health, what type of salt should we be eating? Certainly, salt that is as wholesome as possible will be more like it. This is where unrefined sea salt stands out as the salt of choice. Read on.

Unrefined sea salt does not undergo any form of processing, so it comes to us with a full complement of sodium Chloride (NaCl), and about sixty other essential and beneficial minerals and micro nutrients carefully tailored into the vast oceans for the sole purpose of nurturing and preserving all forms of life.

Commercial refined salt on the other hand is not only stripped of all its minerals, besides sodium and chloride, but is also chemically cleaned, bleached heated at unnecessarily high temperatures. In addition, it is treated with anti-caking agents that prevent salt from mixing with atmospheric moisture in the salt container. These agent also impede salt dissolving within our body system leading to build up and then deposit of free radicals and toxins in our organs and tissues, causing severe health problems.


Here are some of the health benefits of sea salt

  • Makes bones firm thus preventing osteoporosis; 27 percent of The Body’s Salt Content Is Location in the Bones.

  • Stabilizes Irregular Heartbeat And Regulates Blood Pressure – In Conjunction With Water.

  • It is needed to clear the Lungs of Mucus and Sticky Phlegm, Particularly in Those Suffering from Asthma and Cystic Fibrosis. It Helps Prevent Muscle Cramps.

  • It is an Alkalizer; it helps remove cellular acidity especially in the brain and kidneys, which helps prevent cancer.

  • Provides a buffer for blood sugar levels to help prevent diabetes or helps diabetics use less insulin.

  • Helps the body hold water sufficiently for proper cell hydration.

  • It is essentially for the generation of hydroelectric energy in the cells of the body.

  • It is vital for the absorption of nutrient components through the intestinal tract.

  • Can prevent varicose Veins and spider veins on the legs and thighs.

  • Regulates sleep; Acts as a natural hypnotic (natural sleep inducer).

  • It helps prevent gout and gouty arthritis.

  • If mixed with natural honey, unrefined sea salt helps stop persistent dry coughs.

  • It is a natural antihistamine (antiallergy).

So, what are you waiting for?  Make a switch today to a world of wholesome wellness! Get and use unrefined sea salt. Welcome back to nature!

As usual, your questions, ideas and suggestions will always be accepted and appreciated in form of comments.





[AOSP] Jellybean 4.2.2 ROM for Karbonn A27+

            In this world of smartphones every user wants Official system updates as soon as possible by their manufacturer. What system updates does actually is it provides some performance,bugs fixes & Other new features. Karbonn A27+ comes with Android Jellybean 4.1 which as same ICS type notification bar. Today, i'm here with Pure Android Jellybean 4.2.2 Custom ROM for Karbonn A27+. You can consider this as a system update as its Pure jellybean with some custom tweaks added. Android 4.2.2 gained popularity in the market just because of the new Notification panel with notification tiles. So, not talking much lets checkout the ROM.
Auto Insurance

ROM Features : 

  1. Original Android Jellybean 4.2.2 Auto Insurance
  2. Reduced ROM size. Auto Insurance
  3. Removed all junk stock Apps. Auto Insurance
  4. 4.2.2 Notification tiles. Auto Insurance
  5. Tweaks : Auto Insurance
    • Fast Internet tweaks. Auto Insurance
    • GPS optimization script Auto Insurance
    • better battery performance Auto Insurance
    • Faster SDCARD Read/Write Speed
    • Graphics Enhancement Auto Insurance
    • Less RAM usage through zipalign
    • Overall Better Performance
  6. Auto-task Killer added. Auto Insurance
  7. No call delay. Auto Insurance
  8. Pure performance & No lag. Auto Insurance
Bugs :
    While testing we found no bugs except NV RAM Error i'll fix it soon. I don't think you will find any other bugs, as it is a AOSP ROM their won't be any instability issue. But who knows when a problem arises. So, if you find any bugs you can comment below or use the contact form. Auto Insurance

Screenshots : 
Auto Insurance

Click Below to Download: Auto Insurance

Downloads : Auto Insurance

  1. How to Root A27+ : Rooting Karbonn A27+ Auto Insurance
  2. ClockworkMOD for A27+ : CWM for Karbonn A27+ Auto Insurance
  3. How to Install thir ROM : Install Custom ROM in Karbonn A27+ Auto Insurance

          Hope you enjoy new System update (4.2.2) of Karbonn A27+. Any suggestions & feedback are most welcome in comment section. I would love to hear your experience with this rom. Have a good day !  Auto Insurance